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Shakil Rahman
Founder and CEO


Shakil's journey began with a robust academic foundation, earning advanced degrees in Management Information Systems and Industrial and Systems Engineering. His early career was distinguished by significant achievements, including prestigious fellowships and honors in business and technology.

At EPL Solutions Inc., Shakil played crucial roles in developing cutting-edge technologies like a carbon sequestration system that significantly boosts atmospheric O2 production and an AI-driven waste management system that redefines sustainability in the leather industry. His work at EPL exemplifies his commitment to creating solutions that are not only innovative but also environmentally and socially responsible. His agility and ability to effectively communicate further solidifies his role as a visionary leader in the tech industry.

Prior to founding EPL Solutions, Shakil made significant contributions in various roles within major corporations. His responsibilities included managing extensive territories, onboarding new businesses, and facilitating ongoing training, demonstrating his ability to align strategic interests and drive growth.

Shakil's guiding principles are deeply rooted in sustainability and empathy. He believes that true sustainability encompasses equity, social justice, environmental stewardship, and long-term viability. His vision for EPL Solutions is to create products and services that embody these values, driving towards a greener future with a practical blend of social and environmental awareness. Shakil's brands personify the idea that coexistence and mutual care can lead to better lives for all, fostering a sense of inspiration and purpose that resonates with people globally.

Under Shakil Rahman's leadership, EPL Solutions Inc. is poised to lead the charge towards a sustainable and empathetic future. His dedication to innovation and sustainability ensures that the company not only meets the needs of today but also paves the way for a brighter, more equitable tomorrow. Shakil's vision and principles inspire others to believe in a cause worth pursuing – one where we all coexist harmoniously, caring for each other and the planet.


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